Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funny but inappropriate occurrence

So I just recently listened to the audio clip of Christian Bale's temper outburst. Yes I know it's old news but I really don't care. It was kind of funny at first but then it got a little absurd. I want to like Christian Bale because he's an amazing actor, ( one of my favorites to be honest ). The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, American Psycho, The Prestige, what I have seen of the Machinist was really good and there's more. Anyway, but after listening to his behavior on set of Terminator Salvation I was just really disappointed. He was complaining about the Director of Photography being unprofessional " WHEN HE WAS JUST MAKING SURE EVERYTHING WAS RUNNING SMOOTH". What is unprofessional about that? The DP has so many things running through his mind he has to check on all these subtle aspects to make sure the film looks right. Plus he was checking a light for the scene that Christian was working on, obviously he was just making sure that it looked amazing. If it bothered Christian so bad then why didn't he calmly explain to the DP that it distracted him the first time it happened when the DP walked in his line of sight while Christian was acting? That made Christian sound, and I'm sure look, so unprofessional himself. If that kind of thing bothered him so bad then it's obvious he's no stage actor. Which is ironic cause I read somewhere that he wouldn't do the Terminator movie unless it could be performed on stage. He kind of contradicts himself. Plus if you're acting like that anywhere, especially on a film set, you're setting a weird and awkward vibe for everyone else. I'm sure Bryce Dallas was thinking WTF is up this guys ass. Seriously.

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